Black and Minority Ethnic Health Needs Assessment 2017

Minority ethnic communities tend to see poorer health outcomes. This is, in large part, due to their poorer economic status. However, this is only part of the picture, and hence why it is important for attention to focus on ethnicity. The Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Health Needs Assessment (HNA) 2017 therefore aims to move our focus to ethnicity and health inequality, and outlines demographic data, evidence from the literature, and findings from engagement with local people and organisations.

Key Themes

  • Doncaster's BME population
  • Ratio of people reporting poor general health
  • Ratio of people reporting a health problem or disability that is expected to last 12 months or more
  • Ratio of people resident in overcrowded accommodation
  • Ratio of people resident on house with no central heating

Headline Figures & Findings

Findings from data:

  • Non-white groups in Doncaster live in more overcrowded conditions.
  • Polish is the largest minority language.
  • 6 in every 1000 new GP registrations in Doncaster are made by people who previously lived abroad, compared with an average of 9 per 1000 across Yorkshire and Humber.
  • Births to mothers who were born outside the UK are lower than average but increasing over time; totaling 15% of all new births in 2014 compared to 20% across the Yorkshire and Humber.

Findings from the literature:

  • Ethnic minorities are most likely to experience ethnic and racial harassment and anticipate it in streets, shops and public transport;
  • Mental health disorders in adult minority ethnic populations are prevalent in both men and in adults although for different ethnic groups in each case;
  • South Asian ethnic groups (Pakistani in particular) have a relatively high prevalence of depression when compared with adults from one or more other ethnic groups;
  • Homelessness has grown proportionately more for BME groups over the last two decades from 17 to 37% of the total. They are also more likely to be among the non-statutory and/or hidden homeless

Findings from engagement with residents:

  • The majority of comments (68%) were positive about the experience of using health care services in Doncaster;
  • There were concerns about whether services were listening;
  • Generally, participants in all of the focus group were knowledgeable about key health messages. There was less certainty about how to navigate the health system.

Recommendations & Actions

  1. To fully assess differences in access to and outcomes of health and social care services, including access to psychological therapies. 
  2. The evidence presented within the BME HNA is not a systematic review; therefore the approach taken by this review should be systemised under the SPU work plan.
  3. To continue to develop the evidence base by utilising case studies, partnership working, and taking part in programmes such as the Evidence into Practice programme to develop ‘online tools for GPs to help support new migrants in primary care. 
  4. To seek representation from the Safer and Stronger Doncaster Partnership is for the HIWG. A housing representative should ced by BME communities in terms of housing and it is recommended that a representative from housing is sought for the HIWG
  5. To set evidence-based standards and develop an auditable local good practice statement.
  6. To engage with the breadth of minority ethnic populations in Doncaster.
  7. The actions arising from the evidence safari should be tested via the Fairness Forum alongside recommendation 1-6.

The actions taken to address BME health inequalities in Doncaster, and links to related services, are listed below: