Physical Activity Needs Assessment

The Physical Activity Needs Assessment contains a broad review of Physical Activity in Doncaster.

Included within the Physical Activity Needs Assessment are reviews of Doncaster’s position with regards to “Walking”, “Cycling”, “Sports”, “Dance” and “Parks and Open Spaces”. These five themes are central to our Physical Activity delivery strategy - "Get Doncaster Moving".

The following reports represent our work to understand the current state of play in Doncaster on these themes. They are works in progress and will be updated as our knowledge in these areas develops. The reports are being shared to allow stakeholders to support the development of these strands.


Why should physical activity be prioritised in Doncaster?


Children & Young People Physical Activity:-

 The following links are based on the Pupil Lifestyle Survey 2017.

Presentation Summary

Report Summary

PA and Sedentary Behaviour - Primary School Children

PA and Sedentary Behaviour - Secondary School Children


Adult Physical Activity:- 

The following presentation is predominantly based on Sport England's Active Lives Survey (published in 2017).

Adult Physical Activity



Walking in Doncaster



Doncaster Cycling Key Trends



Sport in Doncaster - June 2017



Dance in Doncaster - July 2017


Parks and Open Spaces

Information to be published soon.