Doncaster Culture Strategy 2030

Culture is not one big thing, and it’s difficult to define, so this strategy focuses on what we think is important to our residents. Yes, there’s high art in there, but there’s also more down to earth stuff – making, choirs, dance classes, book clubs, watching and participating in sports. For most people, Culture is what people do in their spare time, what they look forward to doing when they get a minute to themselves. But it is also an amazing way of bringing people together, of strengthening communities. We know that it has a positive impact on people’s health and well-being; it makes a big contribution to the economy, in terms of participation, tourism and in the businesses and investment it can attract. Culture also offers a wide range of rewarding jobs and careers, and we want to make more of that, and improve accessibility to these not just for our young people, but residents of all ages.

The Doncaster Culture Strategy 2030 puts culture at the forefront of life in Doncaster. We not only believe Culture to be a vital component in terms of ‘place’ (identity; economy; offer), but also with regard to the health and well-being of our residents. The first all-encompassing Culture and aligned, as all our strategies are, with our Borough Strategy, our definitive statement about what we are about as a place.

You’ll see that the strategy was written in collaboration, via consultation. Our partners in this not only include backbone organisations like DCLT, Right Up Our Street, DARTS and Cast, for example, but also the South Yorkshire Combined Mayoral Authority, the Sheffield Universities and, at a national level, the Arts Council, Historic England and others – as well as members of Team Doncaster and our residents, it’s very much a shared endeavour.

Just because the strategy is titled ‘2030’ it doesn’t mean that we only have long term ambitions, or that we are starting from scratch, indeed, most of what we need is already here and, in many cases, has been working well for decades. Culture is already all around us, it just needs a stronger and more sustained focus: more attention, a higher profile, more resource, and a more thought out approach. Collaborative working is paramount, and we have local and national partners on board. We need to start shouting about Culture in Doncaster, and that is what this strategy is about.

Please note: this document is a snapshot of where we are, and is still subject to change. We are working towards publishing not only a final, definitive version, but also shorter public facing summary and a version that will be created in partnership with children and young people for a younger audience.

Doncaster Culture Strategy January 2023
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Doncaster Culture Strategy: Youth Version

Young people in Doncaster have created a video promoting culture in Doncaster, to go alongside and promote Team Doncaster’s Culture Strategy.


The video is all credit to the talent and skills of the following young people, to whom we say a 'Big Team Doncaster Thank you'

  • Daniel Duggan, Film producer 
  • Doncaster Council’s Young Advisors: Jess, Chester, Tash and Owen, Charlotte, Marianne
  • The music students that took part in the film

The video features, and with thanks to:

  • CAST Theatre: Nicola Doyle, Community Engagement Manager.
  • The Yorkshire Wildlife Park rangers, and the guide for the day was Chief Executive Cheryl Williams.
  • Swag Choir clips are by Ginny Coulson.
  • The children at the drama club are from Elite Theatre Arts run by Joanne Watkinson.
  • Doncaster Music Service tutors: Marie Brown and Felicity Simpson.
  • Lucy the featured singer in the green dress. 

Behind the scenes, to produce and edit the video, the following representatives made it happen:

  • Doncaster Council’s Young Advisors
  • Helen Foster, Anne-Marie Knowles, and Paul Davies working in the Heritage and Culture Services Teams
  • Mandy Burns, Partnership and Engagement team, and Victoria Ryves, Culture Services, who were responsible for managing and leading the project.