The Great 8 Priorities

Team Doncaster have agreed the ‘Great 8’ priorities that will drive our work, to meet the goals within our Wellbeing Wheel that we need to deliver for Doncaster over the next ten years.

The great 8 priorities for Doncaster Delivering Together

The Great 8 Priorities set out what we as residents, businesses and public organisation will do to achieve our wellbeing aspirations, these include:

1. Tackling Climate Change 

  • Deliver the Environment and Sustainability 2030 strategy.
  • A borough-wide effort to achieve 85% of Doncaster’s net zero carbon target by 2030.
  • Improve the energy efficiency of council homes and encourage homeowners and landlords to do the same as part of a housing retrofit programme. Use this programme to also reduce fuel poverty.
  • Increase the energy generation and usage from renewable sources, including solar.
  • Support businesses to decarbonise their operations and supply chains and create good ‘green’ jobs.
  • Plant 1 million trees.
  • Devote more land to greenspace and nature (Doncaster’s ‘natural capital’) – including supporting a ‘Great Yorkshire Fen’.
  • Create ‘Green Gateways’ into our borough and ‘Green Hearts’ in our town centres

2. Developing the skills to thrive in life and work

  • Deliver the Education and Skills 2030 strategy.
  • Bring together learners, employers and communities to tackle real world challenges as part of a Talent and Innovation ‘Ecosystem’.
  • Improve performance at all education key stages to at least match the national average.
  • Support adults to improve their basic skills.
  • Increase Level 3+ skills amongst working age adults to at least match the regional average.
  • Increase access to vocational pathways to work.
  • Ensure our anchor institutions lead the way in offering work-based learning opportunities.
  • Work with schools and colleges to raise aspirations and improve careers awareness and work readiness.
  • Better align the education system to the needs of growth sectors such as green technology.
  • Achieve equitable and inclusive lifelong learning and creativity

3. Making Doncaster the best place to do business and create good jobs

  • Continue to recover from the impact of COVID.
  • Achieve the North’s highest growth in quality jobs and more residents in work.
  • Support local businesses to innovate, improve their productivity and thrive locally and globally.
  • Develop the borough as a beacon for good, inclusive employment, workforce equality and fair wages that people can live on.
  • Support businesses to become better employers of young people.
  • Maximise the potential of our key industries for investment, jobs, innovation and productivity.
  • Ensure our growth sites (e.g. at DSA) fully contribute to borough-wide prosperity.
  • Develop a ‘circular economy’ to minimise waste, help meet our net zero target and create good jobs.
  • Maximise the potential of the health and social care sector for good, well-paid jobs.
  • Deliver our Doncaster and Stainforth Town Deals and develop them for our other principal towns.
  • Create more quality commercial premises.
  • Keep the Doncaster ‘£’ circulating locally.
  • Work with businesses to deliver positive social, economic and environmental impacts

4. Building opportunities for healthier, happier and longer lives for all

  • Catch up on the services impacted by COVID.
  • Explore undertaking a Wellbeing Commission.
  • Progress a fully integrated health and care system, which includes the third sector.
  • Embed ‘Health in all Policies’ and prevention to close health gaps through everything we do.
  • Develop an even more compassionate approach to health and care and improve the social conditions for better health.
  • Improve all-age mental health support, including support and prevention for a zero-suicide borough.
  • Support residents to live independent and rewarding lives in the place they call home.
  • Develop our Social Care Futures approach to work with residents on the support they need.
  • Push for a new hospital and develop Doncaster as a Health Research and Innovation Centre.
  • Support rewarding careers in health and care.
  • Promote and invest in accessible, good quality physical activity and leisure opportunities.
  • Implement our Ageing Well Delivery Plan to become an even more Age-Friendly borough.
  • Work towards becoming an even more Disability-Friendly borough.

5. Creating safer, stronger, greener and cleaner communities where everyone belongs

  • Rollout Localities Working to maximise and connect local strengths, heritage and civic pride.
  • Develop Locality Plans for each locality, shaped by the voice of the communities and wards.
  • Create community profiles for all 88 communities to inform decision-making.
  • Tackle inequalities to reduce the number of local areas in England’s 10% most deprived.
  • Work with residents to develop Wellbeing Actions Plans for the 20 most deprived areas.
  • Support residents to take positive action for themselves and their communities.
  • Support the community spaces, facilities and networks that enable local people to come together, shape their area and thrive.
  • Tackle crime and ASB and the root causes.
  • Improve the safeguarding of vulnerable adults and children through Local Solutions Groups.
  • Reduce the risk and impact of borough emergencies (e.g. floods and pandemics).
  • Reduce fly-tipping and keep the streets and roads clean.
  • Create 15 Future Parks.
  • Build an average of 920 high quality new homes a year and invest £100m in new council houses.
  • Improve the quality and safety of private rented housing.
  • Ensure nobody needs to sleep rough.

6. Nurturing a child and family- friendly borough

  • Invest in ensuring children have the best start in life (first 1001 days).
  • Increase the availability and quality of activities for families and young people.
  • Tackle child poverty and ensure families have all the Wellbeing Essentials.
  • Use Family Hubs to deliver a range of activities, services and information.
  • Embed whole family working to safeguard children and reduce neglect through a strong Early Help offer and by building on our Stronger Families Programme.
  • Tackle domestic abuse and its root causes.
  • Implement our Healthy Learning, Healthy Lives programme in schools, including improving diet, nutrition and increasing physical activity.
  • Support all primary school pupils to walk a mile a day.
  • Promote family and community learning.
  • Improve the readiness to learn and build strong foundations in learning (e.g. literacy and numeracy).

7. Building transport and digital connections fit for the future 

  • Support the shift to electric vehicles with more charging points.
  • Better connect the borough with reliable, appropriate and affordable public transport.
  • Grow the active travel network to increase walking and the use of cycle paths.
  • Support the flow of traffic with a wellmaintained and efficient road network and a pothole response team.
  • Improve existing railway stations and secure new ones across the borough.
  • Work with partners to provide access to full fibre broadband and 5G for all.
  • Support residents and businesses to improve their digital and technology skills.

8. Promoting the borough and its cultural, sporting and heritage opportunities

  • Promote our economic, social, cultural and ‘green’ assets to residents, investors and visitors.
  • Increase the Government’s awareness of Doncaster’s city-standard assets and potential.
  • Increase inward investment.
  • Support a growing creative and cultural sector, including through evidencing its economic value.
  • Encourage more cultural and sporting events.
  • Provide more equitable and inclusive opportunities to enjoy art, culture, heritage, sport and community activities.
  • Increase opportunities to embed lifelong learning within local culture and heritage.
  • Promote careers and pathways to employment within cultural organisations.



A strategy helps outline our intention, but what is more important is ensuring that we deliver on our bold, ambitious mission. This has never been more important than in how we invest across the borough.

With the number of funding opportunities becoming available, whether that be nationally under ‘levelling up’, regionally through South Yorkshire’s devolution agreement or locally through Team Doncaster, we must now deliver an approach to investment that is fitting of our Borough Strategy.

The Doncaster Delivering Together Investment Plan is our plan to do this. For the first time, we will have a one place that highlights our investment asks, allowing us to be place-based in our opportunities… to ensure that the right projects are being funded by the right funding pots. Our dedicated page to investment outlines the plan, will host an interactive public map of investment across Doncaster, as well as provides updates on particular investment projects