Doncaster Delivering Together Investment Plan

The Doncaster Delivering Together Investment Plan (DDTIP) outlines our Strategic Investment Priorities which will support our approach to investment, including our spatial priorities. The plan will allow us to be place-based in our approach to ensure that the right projects are being funded by the right funding pots, across the City.

In May 2024, Team Doncaster launched the latest update to the Doncaster Delivering Together Investment Plan. This Plan has been annually updated since July 2022, to ensure that the projects fit for investment reflect the nature of what is needed borough-wide, but also within our communities. This plan will therefore not have everything at any one time, but will be the seeds for the plan to grow over time and reflect our investment delivery, funding applications, and project opportunities across our localities.

DDT Investment Plan 24-25
Download (1.89MB - PDF)

This Doncaster Delivering Together Investment Plan is more than this document and the projects within it… it is a mindset. A mindset that we will do investment differently, taking a regenerative and inclusive approach to deliver the sustainable investments required for thriving people, places and planet

Investment Map

The Doncaster Delivering Together Investment Plan Map highlights key investments across the borough in an interactive way. 

**The map below is currently being tested and updates will follow**


Specific Investment Programmes

The Doncaster Delivering Together Investment Plan will outline some big investment programmes happening across our borough. Some of these will have their own page to provide updates on their delivery. These include: