Doncaster Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2016-2021

The Strategy sets out the ambitions and priorities for the Health & Wellbeing Board with the overall vision to improve the health and wellbeing of people in Doncaster.

It has been developed in consultation with members of the public and key partners. It is aligned with Doncaster’s Borough Strategy Refresh 2014 and is an opportunity to take stock and look at what has been achieved since the previous strategy was published in 2013.  The Board will assess and review the priorities and identify where we need to go in the next five years.

The strategy will only be successful if all key partners and residents are involved. It has three aims:

  1. It presents a high level vision for health and wellbeing in Doncaster and describes the locally adopted model for health and wellbeing.
  2. It outlines the roles and ways of working for key partners to play in ensuring the effective delivery and implementation of the Health and Social Care Transformation Fund which will focus on developing early interventions and lower level wellbeing support in communities.
  3. It has identified 4 key themes for development to improve health and wellbeing outcomes in Doncaster:
    • Wellbeing
    • Health & Social Care Transformation
    • Five Focus Areas
    • Reducing Health Inequalities