Healthy and Compassionate

Our vision is for a compassionate borough where collectively everyone is supported to add life to years and years to life.

Progress towards this goal will be tracked through the following metrics.

  • Children in need
  • Health life expectancy (male)
  • Healthy life expectancy (female)
  • Personal wellbeing - Life satisfaction
  • Social Care (Adults)

Borough Strategy - Healthy and Compassionate

Get Moving

The Children & Young Peoples Plan set out the overarching vision for Doncaster to be the most Child-Friendly Borough in the country. This vision means that we are aiming for outcomes for children, young people, families and communities that are:

  • Self-reliant and confident
  • Thriving and emotionally well
  • Reaching their full potential
  • Living in safe and strong families and communities

Two of Get Doncaster Moving's principles are:

  • Using data, insight and evidence
  • Learn by doing and share it with others

Using this link you can find links to data, insights, evidence and learning that is being used to inform Doncaster's approach.

Get Doncaster Moving 

Make your Mark 

‘Make Your Mark’ gives all young people aged 11-18 in the UK the chance to have a say on the biggest issues facing young people.

Supported by over 780 schools, colleges, youth groups, and Councils. Powered by the British Youth Council; made possible with kind support of BBC Children in Need, National Lottery Community Fund, Paul Hamlyn Foundation, and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport. The results will be used to decide what the UK Youth Parliament should campaign on in 2022-24.

Make Your MarkJunior Presentation (4)
Download (438KB - PDF)

Well Doncaster

Well Doncaster is a community-centred approach to reducing inequalities and building wealth at an individual, community and organisational level. Working in an intelligence-based way is a core element of our approach and the team have been working with partners to develop Population Health Management Community Profiles for twenty of our priority communities across Doncaster. These community profiles can help inform and shape work within each community across partnerships. These are living documents that will be refreshed every six month to capture additional insight and reflect communities’ development and growth.

For more information on the Population Health Management Community Profiles contact 

The health of people in our communities faces a range of complex and linked challenges, such as the increase in people living with chronic illness and long-term illness linked to our ageing society, and growing health inequalities.

This report displays data on health and well-being in Doncaster.

Population Health Management

Smoking in pregnancy

Smoking in Pregnancy - Background Presentation
Download (2.17MB - PPTX)
Smoking in Pregnancy - Full Health Needs Assessment
Download (1.13MB - DOCX)

Adult Social Care Analytical Hub

The link provides dashboards for the following information:

  • ASCOF,
  • DOL’s
  • Safeguarding Adults Collection
  • Adult Social Care survey
  • Adult Social Care Workforce development
  • Survey of Adults carers in England
  • Guardianship.

Adult Social Care Analytical Hub


ICS Srategic Needs Assessment for Accommodation with Support. 

ICS Strategic Needs Assessment for Accommodation wth Support.


Each year, Carers UK carries out a survey of carers to understand the state of caring in the UK. Over 8,500 carers and former carers shared their experience of what it’s like to be a carer. This report provides a snapshot of caring in 2021 by only including the responses from the 8,119 people who are currently providing care. This is the largest State of Caring survey carried out by Carers UK to date.

The state of caring document, A snapshot of unpaid care in the UK. Can be found on the following link:

The State of Caring

Stronger Families

Doncaster Council and its partners are developing new ways of working with families.

The aim of Stronger Families programme is to change the way families are supported to improve their lives using a whole family approach coordinating services through a lead worker. Families are supported to tackle the issues they face and build their resilience; through this there will be a reduced demand on high cost services by identifying and supporting families earlier.

What is Stronger Families?

Food and Weight Consultation

Doncaster Talks - about Weight - Highlights
Download (2.26MB - PDF)
Doncaster Talks - about Food - Highlights
Download (2.45MB - PDF)


Gambling Needs Assessment

In 2019 the National Strategy to Reduce Gambling Harms was published by the Gambling Commission, aiming to make better and faster progress to reduce gambling harms. This commitment follows that of the NHS Long Term Plan which promises investment to expand NHS specialist provision to help more people with serious gambling problems, and working with partners to tackle the problems at source.

The aim of the Gambling needs assessment is to understand the prevalence and effects of gambling harm in Doncaster.


Gambling Needs AssessmentDownload (2.54MB - DOCX)