Joint Strategic Needs Assessments

The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is a process that identifies the current and future health and wellbeing needs of a local population.

The dashboards below show information about the employment, health, and wellbeing of people in Doncaster. We use this information to inform our policies and strategies to improve the lives of everyone in the Doncaster area.

At the bottom of this page are JSNA reports that have been produced over the last few years.  There is also a set of useful links that take you to data relevant to the health and wellbeing of people in the city and borough.

**Please note, it may take up to 30 seconds for the dashboards to load**

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Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNA) Reports 

To inform commissioning and planning, focused needs assessments, analysis and engagement is undertaken. Reports and dashboards that have been generated over the last few years are available here as part of the JSNA.


2021 Census Briefings

This is a set of 8 reports providing key insights into Doncaster’s population from the 2021 census. They were published over the course of 2023. All census data are now available at the links at the bottom of this page.

Census 21 Briefing - Demography and Migration
Download (287KB - PDF)
Census 21 Briefing - Economic Activity and Travel to Work
Download (230KB - PDF)
Census 21 Briefing - Education Skills
Download (468KB - PDF)
Census 21 Briefing - Ethnicity, Language Religion
Download (261KB - PDF)
Census 21 Briefing - Health, Disability and Unpaid Care
Download (144KB - PDF)
Census 21 Briefing - Housing Transport
Download (142KB - PDF)
Census 21 Briefing - Sexual Orientation Gender Identity
Download (202KB - PDF)
Census 21 Briefing - Veterans
Download (137KB - PDF)

Drugs and Alcohol

The impact of alcohol and drug use has widespread impacts across Doncaster. The Doncaster Combatting Drugs Partnership is tasked with identifying the harms caused and identify the changes needed to address these harms.

Drug Needs Analysis Summary 2023
Download (2.43MB - PDF)
Drugs Alcohol HNA
Download (4.3MB - PDF)

Ethnic Minorities Needs Assessment

The last health needs assessment for people from an ethnic minority was in 2017. This is the first since the COVID19 pandemic (published in November 2023). The report has the following aims:
  • To identify unmet health needs among ethnic minority populations in Doncaster.
  • To understand how needs may have changed since the previous HNA, taking into account the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • To inform the planning and provision of services and activities to address these needs and reduce health inequalities.
Ethnic minorities HNA - 2023
Download (1.24MB - PDF)


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) can affect a child or young person’s health, wellbeing, and ability to learn. This report was published at the beginning of 2023.
Download (2.03MB - PDF)
The National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) measures the height and weight of children in reception class and Year 6 to assess overweight and obesity levels in children in primary schools. The child obesity report outlines how inequalities have changed since 2008/09.
Child Obesity 2024
Download (1.08MB - PDF)

Since 2015, the City of Doncaster Council has conducted the Pupil Lifestyle Survey, which has provided valuable data on children and young people’s health-related behaviour, through an anonymous school-based questionnaire.”


Well Doncaster’s Community Profiles

There are 88 communities in Doncaster. The Well Doncaster Team have produced detailed profiles for all of these.

Articles | BeWell Doncaster

Doncaster Fairness and Wellbeing Commission

The Doncaster Fairness and Wellbeing Commission has explored fresh ways to involve local people, organisations, and businesses to look at how to improve the lives of Doncaster residents. The commission outlined 16 recommendations to support the lives of Doncaster’s residents.

Doncaster Fairness & Wellbeing Commission - Team Doncaster

Get Doncaster Moving

Get Doncaster Moving is Doncaster’s approach to tackling inequalities in physical activity. This link give access to a range of research undertaken to support this programme

Get Doncaster Moving 

Homelessness and Rough Sleeping

The Homelessness Health Needs Assessment (HNA) assesses the scale, nature and impact of homelessness in Doncaster 
Rough Sleepers HNA report
Download (678KB - PDF)

Office for Health Improvement & Disparities


A picture of health: health intelligence pack for health improvement

The data from the census are available at these sites: