Climate and Environment
An Environment & Sustainability Strategy 2020 - 2030 has been developed in response to the climate change and biodiversity emergency declaration made by Doncaster Council in 2019. The Strategy is derived from the latest research, data, opinion and insight gathered from residents, elected representatives, and a range of partner organisations, including the findings of the Doncaster Climate & Biodiversity Commission.
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Our Vision For Doncaster
Doncaster businesses, organisations and residents will deliver their contribution to the regional, national and international effort to tackle the climate change emergency; and in doing so will improve and maintain a pleasant and sustainable natural and built environment for everyone to enjoy.
We will have clean air and water, thriving plants and animals, and a sustainable economy that protects and enhances our natural and built environment.
Our homes and other buildings will be energy efficient; our transport network will have minimal impact on nature, and people will have access to attractive green spaces both for leisure and to live and work in.
Future generations will look back and realise we made the right choices in prioritising the environment in order to sustain and enhance quality of life in Doncaster.
Become carbon neutral by 2040, recognising that this equates to a uniform 13-14% year-on-year reduction of emissions and an 85% reduction by 2030 (compared to a baseline of 2005 levels), and increase the proportion of land given over to woodland, wood pasture, wildflower grassland and thus support greater biodiversity.
The Strategy is presented alongside an evidence base, which together form part of a package of documents that include the climate and biodiversity commission report and numerous partner-specific strategies and plans.
Document Links:
- Doncaster Environment Sustrainability Strategy 2020-2030 v6_TDformat Download (1.29MB - PDF)
- Environment Strategy_Evidence Download (1.51MB - PDF)
- Doncaster Climate Commission Final Report - September 2020
- Doncaster Climate Commission Summary Report - September 2020
Useful Links:
Environment and Sustainability Strategy Priorities For Doncaster
Over a dozen priority areas/sub-topics have been identified within the strategy, each of which have a series of key aims and delivery actions (details in later sections of the strategy).
- Protect and enhance WOODLAND and GREEN SPACES, plant more TREES.
- Protect and enhance BIODIVERSITY to support resilient ecosystems.
- Improve WATER QUALITY in rivers and lakes, maintain & enhance DRAINAGE, and protect from FLOODING.
- Protect, enhance, and promote the conservation of our internationally important PEATLAND.
- Manage CONTAMINATED LAND appropriately.
- Improve the ENERGY EFFICIENCY of homes and other buildings.
- Increase the ENERGY production from SUSTAINABLE sources.
- Proactively and reactively tackle NOISE, LIGHT, and ODOUR NUISANCES.
- Improve air quality by reducing TRANSPORT emissions.
- Exploit opportunities in GREEN TECHNOLOGY industry sectors.
- Encourage and support EXISTING BUSINESSES to improve energy efficiency and waste/recycling practices.
- Exploit blue and green NATURE TOURISM opportunities, whilst ensuring their protection and supporting their enhancement.
- Support the local FARMING sector to supply locally and operate efficiently using environmentally friendly operations.
- Reduce avoidable FOOD waste. Encourage and support food sourcing from local, sustainable providers.
- Focus on the reduction, re-use, repair, recycling and recovery of household and commercial WASTE.
- Reduce FLY TIPPING and LITTERING; and optimise the response to incidences when they do occur.
- Raise awareness, share best practice, support and EDUCATE partners, businesses and residents on how their own BEHAVOUR CHANGES can contribute to environmental improvements, whilst also achieving economic, health and social benefits.
Want to know how you can respond to climate change?
Public services, businesses, and schools are all considering what difference they can make for climate change. Every individual can also make a difference.