Welcome to the Stainforth Town Deal

Our vision is that by 2035 Stainforth will have reinvented its iconic mining prominence as a beacon of opportunity, where everyone has access, aptitude and aspiration to be pioneers in enterprise and employment. The community will be inspired and proud, and the streets will feel safe and activated so that Stainforth is a place people want to visit.

Stainforth Town Deal 

Stainforth is set to undergo transformational change in the future through the planned Unity Development, which presents a major opportunity for the community and shows that Stainforth is a place to invest in. The Stainforth Town Deal intends to maximise the benefits and ensure integration between the existing town and future development. 

Stainforth's history and pride as a prominent Yorkshire mining town lives on in the spirit of the community today, and drives a passion for shaping a new future for the town. 

£21.6 million of funding has been made available for use in nine proposed projects, which we predict will be completed by March 2026.

Restoration of Colliery Headstocks £4.23m
Remediation work will be carried out to the Grade II listed headstocks to make them safe.

Enabling Employment Uses £1.21m
The construction of a new access road to the former colliery site, providing opportunity for commercial development with the hopes of attracting job providers to help tackle local economic inactivity.

New Country Park £2.15m
The new country park (circa 42 acres) will be located to the northeast of the Headstocks within the former colliery boundary. The park will have a number of key entrance points allowing access from residential areas in Stainforth through a pleasant green space and providing connectivity links with Stainforth communities. Country parks take many years to become established and the Town Deal fund is the starting point.

New Station Footbridge £3.08m
The footbridge will provide a new link across the railway, enabling a strong connection and integration between Stainforth and the Unity development further enhancing access to new opportunities for Stainforth residents.

Station Access Improvements £4.16m
The new station forecourt and access to the station from Waggons Way will improve access and safety. The improvements will provide a high-quality arrival experience as a gateway to the town and provide linkages between different elements of the Station Gateway.

Public Realm Improvements £1.23m

The public realm project focuses investment to improve the sense of place and support business growth in the town centre as a catalyst for wider regeneration. The improvements include new paving and new street lighting.

Shop Fronts Improvements
A grant of up to £10,000 available to businesses to improve shop frontages including including repainting, repairs, signage. The Shop Front Improvement Scheme is already live for local businesses within the public realm improvement boundary.

Safer Streets CCTV £195,300
Installation of CCTV cameras in key locations will look to address crime and increase the sense of community, so that residents feel safer and more willing and able to travel in the area.

New Community Hub £3.58m
A new community hub will create a lasting impact on the community that will address many of the challenges related to unemployment and crime in the long-term. The Hub will help to improve the connection between Stainforth and its residents, evoking a greater sense of pride and purpose – providing a space where people can flourish and that can provide the support that its residents need.

East Lane Gateway £1.73m
The new link road will connect East Lane to the Unity Way roundabout. It will provide residents with better access to new employment opportunities and the local transport network.The new road will also include a new footpath and cycleway connecting East Lane and Waggons Way.



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